The following guide outlines the steps necessary to install & configure Easy-Hide-IP using PPTP on your Windows XP computer:

1.    Go to Network and Internet Connections and select "New connection":

2.    Select "Create a connection to the network at your workplace":


3.    Select "Virtual Private Network connection", then click "Next":


4.    Enter the name of your connection (IE. Easy-Hide-IP) and then click "Next"


5.    Enter the address of the Easy-Hide-IP PPTP server that you wish to connect to.  The complete list of available servers can be found here.

Click "Next" to proceed

6. Add a shortcut to this connection if you wish, then select "Finish":

7.    Enter your Easy-Hide-IP username and password, then select "Connect" to start your connection

First connection usually takes not more then a minute. After connection you should now see the VPN connection successfully established.


 All of your online activities are now 100% secure and anonymous while connected to Easy-Hide-IP. 


If you have any questions, or experience any issues while installing & setting up your Windows device to connect to the Easy-Hide-IP VPN servers, please contact our Support Team anytime.