The following guide outlines the steps necessary to install & configure Easy-Hide-IP using OpenVPN Connect on your Android device:

1.   Install the OpenVPN Connect app from the Play Store to your android device(s):

2.   Open the app and tap "Connect with .ovpn file":

3.   Allow access to your files by clicking "ALLOW":

4.  Download the Easy-Hide-IP OpenVPN protocol configuration files here.  You can download them to the computer, unzip, and then transfer to your phone - or make all this directly on your phone. Then select the file and press "Import"  in the top right corner.

5.   Enter your Easy-Hide-IP username and password, and select "Save password" to save this information for future use:

6.  Click "ADD" in the top right corner and then swipe the button to enable your vpn connection.

7.  Press "Continue" to establish connection:

8.  Congratulations! You are connected now.

All of your online activities are now 100% secure and anonymous while connected to Easy-Hide-IP.


If you have any questions, or experience any issues while installing & setting up 

your android device to connect to the Easy-Hide-IP VPN servers; please contact our Support Team anytime.